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(Without Worrying About Making the Wrong Move or Applying for Countless Jobs)

Discover How To Go From Feeling Lost To Thriving In A Career That Truly Excites You

Why Staying Stuck Costs You More Than You Think

Masterclass Starts In

7pm EST | 6pm CST | 5pm MST | 4pm PST

Wednesday June 12th, 2024

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Understand the key steps and tools needed to transition from feeling stuck in a draining job to thriving in a meaningful and fulfilling career.

Meaningful Career path

Learn how to connect with a supportive community of like-minded women who are also on the journey to finding fulfilling careers.


Gain the confidence you need to take the leap and pursue a career that truly aligns with your passions and purpose.

Gain confidence

Walk away with a clear, step-by-step plan to start making intentional changes in your life and career.

Clear action plan

Discover strategies to overcome your self-doubt and fears about making the wrong career move.

overcome fear

Learn how to figure out what you really want to do with your life and identify the career path that excites you.


Here's what you'll learn

Women project professionals:

(Project managers, coordinators, analysts, admin)

  • Find clarity and direction in your career so you can finally feel excited and fulfilled doing work that truly aligns with your passions and purpose.

  • Stop missing the opportunity to make a meaningful impact in the world. You know you have so much more to offer, but you're not using your talents and passions to their fullest.

  • You deserve a career that's about more than just making ends meet. You deserve to feel excited about your work, confident in your abilities, and secure in knowing that you're making a real difference. 

Stop Settling, Start Thriving

You're ready for a meaningful change!




I recently landed a new job and I must say it was the result of the excellent brainstorming sessions I had with her on how to approach the whole application/recruiting process.

I totally recommend working with her, if you feel you need a change in your career and you don't know where or how to start.

Before working with her, I felt lost and overwhelmed, applying to numerous jobs without a clear direction.
By the end of our sessions, I had a clear path forward and felt confident pursuing work that aligns with my values and skills.

I highly recommend Rozella to anyone seeking guidance and direction in their career journey.

Rozella is a remarkably wise and empathetic coach, as generous with her time as with her acute insights.

She listens well, asks THE key questions that you almost wish she hadn't, then quickly provides an actual map of your strengths, gaps and next steps that truly moves you along. 

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I help women go from feeling stuck and drained in their jobs to waking up excited and happy about what they do, so they can feel like their work matters and live a life that truly fits who they are.

No time like the present...

Meet your host, rozella!